Newbury Almshouse Trust exists to serve the people of Newbury and the surrounding rural district by providing affordable housing.
We look after 42 residential units located at 4 sites in the heart of Newbury’s “City” area, providing accommodation to around 50 residents. The Trust is also responsible for managing financial and property assets which support our work and the maintenance of our residential properties.
The origins of our Trust date back to the founding of St Bartholomew's Hospital in around the year 1200 meaning that the Trust and its forebears have been serving their community for over 1000 years.
Upper Raymond’s Almshouses communal garden
Residents at Upper Raymond’s Almshouses, one of several almhouses managed by the Newbury Almshouse Trust, have recently created a communal garden. The residents are looking forward to a bountiful harvest and the chance to make some chutney!
Find out more on our blog
Almshouse Improvement Works
The Trust's properties require continuous maintenance and refurbishment. Our ongoing improvement programme has included the refurbishment of the iconic St Bart's Clocktower, the modernisation of several of our residential units and improving access and parking facilities.
Find out more on our blog